Notice of Privacy Practices of Lindsborg Community Hospital

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.


The Lindsborg Community Hospital will always try our best to give patients the highest quality health care. As part of the promise to care for them, we keep information about their health private. Until now, this promise was simply part of health care's code of ethics. With the enactment of HIPAA, the idea that patients have the right to privacy and confidentiality became more than just an ethical obligation of physicians and healthcare organizations. It became the law.

Susan Chrislip, Privacy Officer, 785-227-3308 ext 130,


This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how your health information may be used, disclosed, and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

This Notice of Privacy Practices is effective as of May 2016

The staff at Lindsborg Community Hospital is committed to protecting patient privacy and confidentiality.

Questions concerning the confidentiality of medical information should be addressed to Privacy Officer Susan Chrislip, at 785-227-3308 ext 130.

Questions or concerns regarding the security of electronic information should be addressed to Electronic Security Officer Michael McEldowney at 785-452-6005.